
Entrance Exams

Entrance Exams and Revision

ENTRANCE EXAMS: 10+/11+/12+/13+/16+

Strive Tutors understands both the importance and challenge of entrance exams to UK schools, whether students are applying from within the UK or abroad.  Having attended and taught at some of the best schools in the country, our capable tutors are on hand with a comprehensive knowledge of different schools' demands and paper requirements. We can therefore work with your children to ensure that their confidence, exam technique and subject knowledge are exam ready. We help children prepare from computerised pre-test stages, all the way through to interview to ensure they secure places at the school of their choice. 

We assist with past papers, verbal and non verbal reasoning and mock examinations. Tutors will work to examination timings, provide your child with immediate feedback and practice weaker areas in ways that regular classroom learning cannot provide. Once examinations are successfully completed, we also conduct mock interviews to ensure your child is as prepared as possible.

Our tutors can also work with professionals at your child's school if necessary to support their application and progress.